Equipmake delivers drivetrain for electric foiling boat

1 min read

UK electrification specialist Equipmake has provided the drivetrain for a new electric foiling speedboat capable of 100 nautical miles on a single charge.

BAR Technologies

Unveiled in May, the SpiritBARTech35EF was developed by Spirit Yachts and marine engineering specialist BAR Technologies. The 35 ft vessel uses active retractable foils to raise its hull above the water, minimising drag and providing a fast-cruising range of approximately 100 nautical miles at 22 knots.

For its part, Equipmake delivered a fully electric drivetrain, including a specially adapted version of its lightweight, power dense motor and gearbox, alongside an Equipmake inverter and custom battery pack.

“我们are extremely proud to have played a key role in the development of this incredible electric flying boat, which truly sets new standards for long range electric vessels,” said Ian Foley, Equipmake CEO.

“Our in-house developed electrification technology has many varied high-performance applications, from aerospace to automotive, and the SpiritBARTech35EF is the perfect showcase for how it can be applied to the rapidly growing electric marine market.”

The project is the first time Equipmake’s electrification products have been applied to the electric marine market, which isestimated to grow to $16.6 billion by 2030. The Norfolk-based company is best known for itselectric bus projectsand the development ofhigh-power electric motors. Following the success of the SpiritBARTech35EF project, Equipmake and BAR Technologies are now exploring further opportunities to collaborate and increase the potential market for Equipmake’s products in BAR Technologies’ systems.

“我们firmly believe that the future of the marine sector will be defined by developments in the sustainability and efficiency of vessels,” said John Cooper, CEO, BAR Technologies.

“我们have been delighted to partner with Equipmake on its remarkable powertrain. Ian Foley and his team are true leaders in the field of electrification and share our ethos of lightweighting and competition-bred design and development. We look forward to exploring further opportunities to work together.”