Online panel session: Exploring Model Based Systems Engineering

1 min read

Register now for our free online panel session on Monday 25th September with Dassault Systèmes, BAE Systems, Cranfield University and others exploring the challenges, benefits and practicalities of model based systems engineering (MBSE)


As the engineering technologies shaping the future of our society become ever more complex, interdisciplinary and interdependent, a systems engineering approach - which enables teams to take a holistic view of an entire project - is becoming increasingly critical across all areas of industry.

In this panel session, organized in partnership withDassault Systèmes, experts from across industry will discuss the growing importance of systems engineering, and specifically model-based systems engineering (MBSE), a discipline that enables the application of systems engineering in a computer modelling environment.

Delegates will learn how model based systems engineering (MBSE) is being deployed across a range of different sectors and projects, and gather valuable insights on the benefits, challenges and practicalities of applying MBSE to their own projects.

Key discussion areas:

  • MBSE / Systems Engineering – what’s the difference?
  • Benefits of adopting MBSE in complex engineering projects
  • 实用的建议,采用MBSE集成在一起
  • Driving cross disciplinary / multi partner collaboration with MBSE
  • Complex System integration
  • Future trends and advances
  • MBSE Skills requirements


  • Alex Edwards – CATIA Lead Aerospace & Defence - Dassault Systèmes
  • Dave Underhill – Digital & Systems Engineering Lead - BAE Systems
  • DrJafar Jamshidi - Senior Lecturer in Integrated Product Development Cranfield University
  • More panelists TBC


Monday 25thSeptember, 1 – 2pm (UK time)