Webinar: Going beyond digital continuity in manufacturing

Register now for this Wednesday’s free Dassault Systèmes webinar to learn how to avoid disconnects in the way your company designs, manufactures and supports a product.

  • 11月11日星期三,下午3.00点(格林尼治时间)
  • Nick Scott - Senior Specialist, Manufacturing Dassault Systèmes


In this webinar we will be hearing from Nick Scott - Senior Specialist, Manufacturing,Dassault Systèmes about Digital Continuity: the concept that digital data and information can be relied on as unique, authoritative, and consistent as it is being used across the product lifecycle.

Nick will explain how digital continuity can build confidence into manufacturing decision making by ensuring that the information used to drive these decisions accurately reflects the current state of the company’s collective knowledge.

Nick Scott is a manufacturing Consultant with Dassault Systèmes where his role is to support and guide clients through the journey of digitalization of their manufacturing operations.